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Document the human experience

Image of a boy on a tram.


I shoot with a mirrorless full-frame digital camera. The mirrorless system brings digital photography to a modern level. The camera is lighter, and it does not have moving parts in the body. I only learned to shoot a few years ago, but it’s been a good experience. Here I included a gallery for your critique. For more photography, check out my Pixel Criminal project.

Picture of a girl and her first birthday cake.

First cake

This is a girl and her first birthday cake.

Picture of a life-like statue of Abraham Lincoln


This is a life-like statue of Abraham Lincoln.

Picture of a dog in the sun


Pema Von der Stadtrand in the sun.

Picture of a waterfall


This waterfall picture was taken with long exposure.

Picture of fireworks


This is an independence day fireworks celebration.

Picture of a church at night

Good Shepherd

This church has cool lighting. I wanted to capture the light with some night photography.

Picture of a wagon on a farm


This picture of a wagon was entered into a photo contest in 2016. I did not win, but it generated some interest. I am proud of it.

Picture of stars behind light pollution

Light pollution

I am building skills in long exposure. This night sky was obstructed by light pollution.

Picture of a womans face


Perfect in every way.

Picture of a happy baby face

Happy Baby

The eyes of this boy can see so much joy.

Picture of a boys closet


I took this picture of a pinata one morning while trying out a new lens. It turned out well.

Picture of a blacksmith working with tools


Work perfomed by a Blacksmith always makes for a great picture.